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Alpha Nu Sigma Chapter & Individual Awards Received

2024 Carolinas Region Awards

The Alpha Nu Sigma chapter received the following awards at the annual Carolinas Region Convention (held in Thomasville, NC in 2024)

Five Star Chapter (Phi Theta Kappa Five Star Chapter Plan)

Carolinas Region Service Project - Invisible Conditions

Carolinas Region Honors in Action Project - Play it Forward

Carolinas Region Hall of Honor - Linxi Sun

Distinguished Chapter Officer Award – Linxi Sun

Continued Excellence Advisor Award - Leila Rogers

Distinguished Advisor Team – Beth Carraway, Paulette LaValley, Leila Rogers

Carolinas Region Chapter Website Award

Posterboard Award for College Project 

Posterboard Award for Honors in Action

Distinguished College Project Award 

Distinguished Honors in Action Project Award

Distinguished Honors in Action Theme Award (Theme 2 - Economics of Play)

Beta Tau Continued Excellence Award 

Most Distinguished Chapter Award (#1 chapter out of 83 chapters in North Carolina, South Carolina, and Bermuda)


2024 Phi Theta Kappa International Awards

The Alpha Nu Sigma chapter received the following awards at the Phi Theta Kappa Annual Convention held in Orlando, FL in April 2024:

Top 100 Chapter

Distinguished College Project Award

Distinguished Honors in Action Award

Honors in Action Theme Award (Theme 2: Economics of Play)

Distinguished Chapter Award

Distinguished Chapter Officer – Linxi Sun

Continued Excellence Advisor Award – Leila Rogers

Distinguished Chapter Advisor Team – Beth Carraway, Paulette LaValley, Leila Rogers

1st Runner Up to Most Distinguished Chapter


2023 Carolinas Region Awards

The Alpha Nu Sigma chapter received the following awards at the annual Carolinas Region Convention (held in Columbia, SC in 2023)

Five Star Chapter (Phi Theta Kappa Five Star Chapter Plan)

Carolinas Region Service Project - Carolinas Plastic Pollution Initiative

Carolinas Region Honors in Action Project - The Heirs of Our Ways

Carolinas Region Hall of Honor - Michelle Hernandez and Laura LaFave

Distinguished Chapter Officer Award – Michelle Hernandez

Distinguished Chapter Member Award - Laura LaFave

Carolinas Region Horizon Award for Advisors – Leila Rogers

Carolinas Region Chapter Website Award

Posterboard Award for College Project 

Posterboard Award for Honors in Action

Distinguished College Project Award 

Distinguished Honors in Action Project Award

Distinguished Honors in Action Theme Award (Theme 1 - Essence of Play)

Beta Tau Continued Excellence Award 

Most Distinguished Chapter Award (#1 chapter out of 83 chapters in North Carolina, South Carolina, and Bermuda)


2023 Phi Theta Kappa International Awards

The Alpha Nu Sigma chapter received the following awards at the Phi Theta Kappa Annual Convention held in Columbus, OH in April 2023:


Top 100 Chapter

Distinguished Chapter Officer - Michelle Hernandez

Distinguished Chapter Member - Laura Lafave

Honors in Action Theme Award (Theme 1: Essence of Play)

Distinguished College Project Award (Chomp's Hangout)

Distinguished Honors in Action Award (P.L.A.Y. event)

Distinguished Chapter Award (top 50 chapters)

Most Distinguished Chapter Award (#1 out of over 1250 Phi Theta Kappa chapters)


2022 Carolinas Region Awards

The Alpha Nu Sigma chapter received the following awards at the annual Carolinas Region Convention (held in Winston-Salem, NC in 2022)

Five Star Chapter (Phi Theta Kappa Five Star Chapter Plan)

Carolinas Region Service Project - Carolinas Plastic Pollution Initiative

Carolinas Region Honors in Action Project - The Heirs of Our Ways

Carolinas Region Superstars Award

Five Star Competitive Edge member - Katie Daniel

Employment Edge members - Matthew Defreitas, Myra Dotson, Sara Stubbs, Wanda Williams

Research Edge members - Katie Daniel, Amy LeFevre, Elizabeth Morris

Transfer Edge members - Katie Daniel, Sherna-lee McFarlane, Calli Ruffin, Wanda Williams

Carolinas Region Hall of Honor - Dana Consiglio

Distinguished Chapter Officer Award – Dana Consiglio

Carolinas Region Horizon Award for Advisors – Leila Rogers

Carolinas Region Chapter Website Award

Distinguished College Project Award 

Distinguished Honors in Action Theme Award (Theme 7 - Life and Death)

Beta Tau Continued Excellence Award 

Most Distinguished Chapter, 3rd Finalist (#4 chapter out of 83 chapters in North Carolina, South Carolina, and Bermuda)


2022 Phi Theta Kappa International Awards

The Alpha Nu Sigma chapter received the following awards at the Phi Theta Kappa Annual Convention held in Denver, CO in April 2022:


Top 100 Chapter

REACH Chapter

Distinguished College Project Award (Memorial Benches)


2021 Carolinas Region Awards

The Alpha Nu Sigma chapter received the following awards at the annual Carolinas Region Convention (held virtually in 2021)

Five Star Chapter (Phi Theta Kappa Five Star Chapter Plan)

Carolinas Region Service Project - Serving the Carolinas

Carolinas Region Honors in Action Project - Natural and Constructed Environments

Carolinas Region Superstars Award

Five Star Competitive Edge members - Matthew Defreitas and Wanda Williams

Employment Edge member - Ola Watson

Research Edge members - Matthew Defreitas, Jason Hanson, Leila Rogers, Jessica Wardlaw, Ola Watson

Transfer Edge members - Matthew Defreitas, Irma Hall, Jessica Wardlaw, Ola Watson

Edge 4for4 Overachiever - Jason Hanson

Carolinas Region Hall of Honor - Matthew Defreitas, Ola Watson

Distinguished Chapter Officer Award – Matthew Defreitas

Distinguished Chapter Officer Award – Ola Watson

Carolinas Region Horizon Award for Advisors – Leila Rogers

Continued Excellence Award for Advisors – Beth Carraway

Carolinas Region Chapter Website Award

Carolinas Region Distinguished Community Service Award

Distinguished College Project Award 

Distinguished Honors in Action Theme Award (Theme 2 - Natural and Constructed Environments)

Distinguished Honors in Action Project Award 

Beta Tau Continued Excellence Award 

Most Distinguished Chapter (#1 chapter out of 83 chapters in North Carolina, South Carolina, and Bermuda)


2021 Phi Theta Kappa International Awards

The Alpha Nu Sigma chapter received the following awards at the Phi Theta Kappa Annual Convention held virtually in April 2021:


Beta Alpha Continued Excellence Award - (Distinguished Chapter for 3 consecutive years or more)

Top 100 Chapter

REACH Chapter

Distinguished College Project Award (HGTC Pantry)

Distinguished Honors in Action Award (Mental Health Awareness at HGTC)

2nd Runner-up to Most Distinguished Chapter


2021 Horry-Georgetown Technical College Awards

Congratulations to our outgoing officer, Ola Watson, who received the HGTC Service & Leadership Award at the Horry-Georgetown Technical College Commencement Ceremony.


2020 Carolinas Region Awards

The Alpha Nu Sigma chapter received the following awards at the annual Carolinas Region Convention (held virtually in 2020)

Five Star Chapter (Phi Theta Kappa Five Star Chapter Plan)

Carolinas Region Service Project - Help for Foster Children

Carolinas Region Honors in Action Project - System of Beliefs: How Do Systems of Belief Change, and How Do They Have the Power to Transform Us?

Carolinas Region Superstars Award

Five Star Competitive Edge members - Richard Agle, Daniel Formato, Sherna-lee McFarlane, Calli Ruffin

Employment Edge members - Jason Hanson, Paulette LaValley, John Sharpe

Transfer Edge member - Jason Hanson

Carolinas Region Hall of Honor - Sherna-lee McFarlane, Calli Ruffin

Distinguished Chapter Officer Award – Sherna-lee McFarlane

Distinguished Chapter Officer Award – Calli Ruffin

Carolinas Region Horizon Award for Advisors – Heather Jones, Leila Rogers

Continued Excellence Award for Advisors – Leila Rogers

Distinguished Chapter Advisor Team – Beth Carraway, Heather Jones, Leila Rogers, John Sharpe

Carolinas Region Chapter Website Award

Distinguished College Project Award 

Distinguished Honors in Action Theme Award (Theme 2 - Economies of Everything)

Distinguished Honors in Action Project Award 

Beta Tau Continued Excellence Award 

Most Distinguished Chapter, 2nd Finalist (#3 chapter out of 84 chapters in North Carolina, South Carolina, and Bermuda)


2020 Phi Theta Kappa International Awards

The Alpha Nu Sigma chapter received the following awards at the Phi Theta Kappa Annual Convention held virtually in April 2020:


Beta Alpha Continued Excellence Award - (Distinguished Chapter for 3 consecutive years or more)

Top 100 Chapter

REACH Chapter

Distinguished College Project Award (Stay Safe, Be Active Project)

Distinguished Regional Officer Award - Paulette LaValley

Continued Excellence Advisor Award - Leila Rogers

Distinguished Chapter Advisor Team Award - Beth Carraway, Heather Jones, Leila Rogers, John Sharpe


2020 Horry-Georgetown Technical College Awards

Congratulations to our outgoing officer, Paulette LaValley, who received the HGTC Service & Leadership Award at the Horry-Georgetown Technical College Commencement Ceremony.


2019 Carolinas Region Awards

The Alpha Nu Sigma chapter of Phi Theta Kappa received the following awards at the annual Carolinas Region Convention in March 2019


Five Star Chapter (Phi Theta Kappa Five Star Chapter Plan)

Carolinas Region Service Project - Carolinas Support for Seniors

Carolinas Region Honors in Action Project - Channels of Creativity: How does our broadened view of arts transform us and the world around us?

Carolinas Region Superstars Award

Five Star Competitive Edge members - Paulette LaValley, Timothy Lynch, Emilee Mayer, Hunter Sarno, Shelley Sasser, Jessica Scott

Carolinas Region Hall of Honor - Paulette LaValley, Shelley Sasser

Carolinas Region Alumni Hall of Honor - Heather Jones

Five Star Advisors - Heather Jones, Leila Rogers, John Sharpe

Prepared Speech Competition 1st Place - Shelley Sasser

Distinguished Chapter Officer - Honorable Mention - Shelley Sasser

Distinguished Chapter Officer - Paulette LaValley

Distinguished Chapter Officer Team - Paulette LaValley, Jessica Scott, Jason Hanson, Shelley Sasser, Hunter Sarno, Amber Ford, Sherna-Lee McFarlane, Richie Agle, Gregory Shaw

Distinguished Alumni Member - Heather Jones

Carolinas Region Horizon Award for Advisors - Heather Jones, Leila Rogers, John Sharpe

Paragon Award for New Advisors - Heather Jones

Continued Excellence Award for Advisors - Honorable Mention - Leila Rogers

Distinguished Chapter Advisor Team - Beth Carraway, Heather Jones, Leila Rogers, John Sharpe

Carolinas Region Distinguished Community Service Project Award - Honorable Mention

Carolinas Region Yearbook Award

Carolinas Region Website Award

Distinguished College Project Award

Distinguished Honors in Action Theme (Visions of Justice)

Distinguished Honors in Action Project - Honorable Mention

Beta Tau Continued Excellence Award

Most Distinguished Chapter (#1 chapter out of 85 chapters in North Carolina and South Carolina)



2019 Phi Theta Kappa International Awards

The Alpha Nu Sigma chapter of Phi Theta Kappa received the following awards at the Phi Theta Kappa Annual Convention held in Kissimee, Florida in April 2019:


Beta Alpha Continued Excellence Award - (Distinguished Chapter for 3 consecutive years or more)

Top 100 Chapter

REACH Chapter

Distinguished College Project Award (EPIC Project)

Distinguished Chapter Officer Award - Paulette LaValley

Distinguished Regional Officer Award - Jason Hanson

Paragon Award for New Advisors - Heather Jones

Distinguished Chapter Advisor Team Award - Beth Carraway, Heather Jones, Leila Rogers, John Sharpe

Alumni Award of Appreciation - Heather Jones


2019 Horry-Georgetown Technical College Awards

Congratulations to our outgoing officer, Amber Ford, who received the HGTC Alpha Nu Sigma Service & Leadership Award at the Horry-Georgetown Technical College Commencement Ceremony.


2018 Carolinas Region Awards

The Alpha Nu Sigma chapter received the following awards at the annual Carolinas Region Convention in March 2018


Five Star Chapter (Phi Theta Kappa Five Star Chapter Plan)

Host Chapter Plaque

Carolinas Region Service Project - Carolinas Read To SUCCEED (childrens book collection and wrote and illustrated a childrens book about bullying)

Carolinas Region Honors in Action Project - Myth and Reality of Hunger & Poverty (food collection at Thanksgiving)

Carolinas Region Superstars Award

Carolinas Region Hall of Honor - Allison Lash

Distinguished College Administrator - Dr. Melissa Batten

Horizon Award for Advisors - Leila Rogers

Carolinas Region Yearbook Award

Carolinas Region Website Award

Distinguished College Project Award (for art contest and rock garden project)

Distinguished Honors in Action Theme (Natural and Engineered)

Distinguished Honors in Action Project (for research into the connection between cancer treatments such as chemotherapy and nutition)

Distinguished Chapter Award (1 of 5 in the region)

Most Distinguished Chapter (#1 chapter out of 84 chapters in North Carolina and South Carolina)


2018 Phi Theta Kappa International Awards

The Alpha Nu Sigma chapter received the following awards at the Phi Theta Kappa Annual Convention held in Kansas City, MO in April 2018:


Top 100 Chapter

Distinguished College Project Award

Distinguished Chapter Award


2018 Horry-Georgetown Technical College Awards

Congratulations to our outgoing chapter officer, Alli Lash, who received the HGTC Alpha Nu Sigma Service & Leadership Award at the Horry-Georgetown Technical College Commencement Ceremony.


2017 Carolinas Region Awards

The Alpha Nu Sigma chapter received the following awards at the annual Carolinas Region Convention in March 2017:


Five Star Chapter (Phi Theta Kappa Five Star Chapter Plan)

Carolinas Region Service Project

Carolinas Region Honors in Action Project

Carolinas Region Superstars Award

Carolinas Region Hall of Honor - Heather Jones

Carolinas Region Hall of Honor - Michelle Latshaw

Distinguished Chapter Officer Team (Heather Jones, Michelle Latshaw, Heather Doughterty-Nelson, Steven Luse, Cassandra Colon, Norman Chestnut)

Distinguished Chapter Officer, Honorable Mention - Michelle Latshaw

Distinguished Chapter Officer - Heather Jones

Distinguished Chapter Advisor Team (Beth Carraway, Norman Godwin, Leila Rogers, John Sharpe)

Paragon Award for New Advisors - Norman Godwin

Horizon Award - Leila Rogers

Yearbook Award

Website Award

Communications Award - Honorable Mention

Distinguished College Project (for BLUE)

Distinguished Honors in Action Theme (Innovation and Replication)

Distinguished Honors in Action Project (for Healing Powers of Music Therapy)

Distinguished Chapter Award (1 of 5 in the region)

1st Runner-up to Most Distinguished Chapter (out of 83 chapters in North Carolina and South Carolina)


2017 Phi Theta Kappa International Awards

The Alpha Nu Sigma chapter received the following awards at the Phi Theta Kappa Annual Convention held in Nashville, TN in April 2017:


Top 100 Chapter

Distinguished College Project Award

Distinguished Honors in Action Theme Award, Theme 7:  Innovation and Replication: How do we either replicate ideas or create new ones that have an impact on the way the world works?

Distinguished Honors in Action Project Award

Distinguished Chapter Award

Distinguished Chapter Advisor Team - Beth Carraway, Norman Godwin, Leila Rogers, and John Sharpe


2017 Horry-Georgetown Technical College Awards

Congratulations to our outgoing chapter officer team, Heather Jones, Steven Luse, Cassandra Colon, Norman Chestnut, Michelle Latshaw, and Heather Dougherty-Nelson, who received the HGTC Alpha Nu Sigma Service & Leadership Award at the Horry-Georgetown Technical College Commencement Ceremony.


2016 Carolinas Region Awards

The Alpha Nu Sigma chapter received the following awards at the annual Carolinas Region Convention in March 2016:


Carolinas Region Service Program Award

Carolinas Region Honors in Action Program Award

Carolinas Superstar Chapter

Carolinas Hall of Honor, Member - Tara Kindig

Five Star Chapter (Phi Theta Kappa Five Star Chapter Plan)

Distinguished Honors in Action Project Theme Award - Theme 2:  Ideas and Ideologies

Distinguished Honors in Action Project Award - Honorable Mention

Distinguished College Project Award

Horizon Award for Advisors - Leila Rogers

Distinguished Advisor Award - Leila Rogers

Distinguished Chapter Advisor Team Award - Beth Carraway, Leila Rogers, and John Sharpe

Carolinas Region Yearbook Award

Carolinas Region Website Award

Distinguished Chapter Award - Honorable Mention


2016 Phi Theta Kappa International Awards

The Alpha Nu Sigma chapter received the following awards at the Phi Theta Kappa Annual Convention held in National Harbor, MD in April 2016:


Top 100 Chapter

Distinguished Chapter Advisor - Leila Rogers

Distinguished Chapter Advisor Team - Beth Carraway, Leila Rogers, and John Sharpe


2015 Carolinas Region Awards

The Alpha Nu Sigma chapter received the following awards at the annual Carolinas Region Convention in March 2015:


Most Distinguished Chapter Award (out of 84 chapters in North Carolina & South Carolina)

Beta Tau Continued Excellence Award (Distinguished Chapter for 3 consecutive years or more)

Distinguished Honors in Action Project Award

Distinguished Honors in Action Project Theme Award - Theme 7:  Health and Medicine as Frontiers: What are the physical and ethical boundaries to the frontiers of health and medicine?

Distinguished College Project Award

Carolinas Region Distinguished Service Award (Honorable Mention)

Distinguished Chapter Officer Award (Honorable Mention) - Kimberly Williams

Distinguished Chapter Officer Award (Honorable Mention) - Michael Rovetto

Horizon Award for Advisors - Beth Carraway

Horizon Award for Advisors - Leila Rogers

Yearbook Award

Website Award

Five Star Chapter (Phi Theta Kappa Five Star Chapter Plan)

Carolinas Region Service Program Award

Carolinas Region Honors in Action Program Award

Carolinas Superstar Chapter

Carolinas Hall of Honor, Members - Kimberly Williams and Michael Rovetto


2015 Phi Theta Kappa International Awards

The Alpha Nu Sigma chapter received the following awards at the Phi Theta Kappa Annual Convention held in San Antonio, Texas in April 2015:


Beta Alpha Continued Excellence Award - (Distinguished Chapter for 3 consecutive years or more)

Top 100 Chapter

Distinguished Honors in Action Project Award


2015 Horry-Georgetown Technical College Awards

Congratulations to our outgoing chapter officer, Kelly Botoulas, who received the HGTC Alpha Nu Sigma Service & Leadership Award at the Horry-Georgetown Technical College Commencement Ceremony.


2014 Carolinas Region Awards

The Alpha Nu Sigma chapter received the following awards at the annual Carolinas Region Convention in March 2014:


Most Distinguished Chapter - 1st Runner-Up (out of 84 chapters in North Carolina & South Carolina)

Beta Tau Continued Excellence Award - (Distinguished Chapter for 3 consecutive years or more)

Distinguished Honors in Action Project Award

Distinguished Honors in Action Project - Theme #2 Award (The Games People Play: Competition and Sports, Recreation and Games)

Distinguished College Project Award

Carolinas Regional Service Award

Distinguished Chapter Officer Award - Kelly Botoulas

Distinguished Chapter Officer Award - Cindy Lomax

Distinguished Chapter Member Award - Kris Keller

Distinguished Alumni Member - Jonathan Fignole

Horizon Award - Beth Carraway

Horizon Award - Leila Rogers

Continued Excellence Award for Advisors - Beth Carraway

Yearbook Award

Website Award

Five Star Chapter (Phi Theta Kappa Five Star Chapter Development Plan)

Carolinas Region Service Program Award

Carolinas Region Honors in Action Program Award

Carolinas Superstar Chapter

Carolinas Hall of Honor, Members - Kelly Botoulas, Cindy Lomax and Kris Keller

Carolinas Hall of Honor, Alumni - Jonathan Fignole


2014 Phi Theta Kappa International Awards

The Alpha Nu Sigma chapter received the following awards at the Phi Theta Kappa Annual Convention held in Orlando, Florida in April 2014:


Most Distinguished Chapter Finalist Award - Sixth Finalist

Beta Alpha Continued Excellence Award - (Distinguished Chapter for 3 consecutive years or more)

Top 100 Chapter

Distinguished College Project Award

Distinguished Honors in Action Project Award

Distinguished Theme Award - Honors in Action (Theme 2 - The Games People Play: Competition and Sports, Recreation and Games)

Distinguished Chapter Officer Award - Kelly Botoulas

Continued Excellence Award for Advisors - Beth Carraway

Alumni Award of Appreciation - Rhonda Ennis


2013 Carolinas Region Awards

The Alpha Nu Sigma chapter received the following awards at the annual Carolinas Region Convention in March 2013:


Most Distinguished Chapter (out of 84 chapters in North Carolina & South Carolina)

Distinguished Chapter Award

Distinguished Honors in Action Project Award

Distinguished Honors in Action Project - Theme #9 Award (I Know What I Like: Competition and the Arts)

Distinguished College Project Award

Carolinas Regional Service Award

Distinguished Chapter Officer Award - Jonathan Fignole

Distinguished Chapter Officer Award - Katlin Wood

Distinguished Chapter Officer Team Award

Distinguished College Administrator Award - Rene Smith

Horizon Award - Beth Carraway

Horizon Award - Leila Rogers

Paragon Award for Advisors - Leila Rogers

Yearbook Award

Website Award

Five Star Chapter

Carolinas Region Service Program Award

Carolinas Region Honors in Action Program Award

Carolinas Superstar Chapter

Hall of Honor - Jonathan Fignole and Katlin Wood



2013 Phi Theta Kappa International Awards

The Alpha Nu Sigma chapter received the following awards at the annual Phi Theta Kappa Convention held in San Jose, California in April 2013:


Distinguished Chapter Award

Top 100 Chapter

Distinguished Honors in Action Project Award

Distinguished Honors in Action Project - Theme #9 Award (I Know What I Like: Competition and the Arts)

Distinguished College Project Award

Administrator Award of Distinction/Distinguished College Administrator - Rene Smith

Paragon Award for Advisors - Leila Rogers

Alumni Award of Appreciation - Beth Carraway

Alumni Award of Appreciation - John Sharpe


2012 Carolinas Region Awards

The Alpha Nu Sigma chapter received the following awards at the annual Carolinas Region Convention in March 2012:


1st Runner Up - Most Distinguished Chapter (out of 84 chapters in North Carolina & South Carolina)

Distinguished Chapter Award

Distinguished Honors in Action Project Award

Distinguished Honors in Action Project - Issue #3 Award (The Individual and the Community)

Distinguished College Project Award

Bruce Rallis Regional Service Award - Honorable Mention

Distinguished Chapter Officer Award - Christopher Cox

Distinguished Chapter Officer Award - Bianca Forte

Distinguished Chapter Member Award - Chante Gore

Horizon Award - Beth Carraway

Horizon Award - Leila Rogers

Yearbook Award

Best Website Award

Most Improved Chapter - Honorable Mention

Five Star Chapter

Carolinas Region Service Program Award

Carolinas Region Honors in Action Program Award

Carolinas Superstar Chapter

Hall of Honor - Bianca Forte and Chante Gore


2012 Phi Theta Kappa International Awards

The Alpha Nu Sigma chapter received the following awards at the annual Phi Theta Kappa Convention held in Nashville, TN in April 2012:


Distinguished Chapter Award

Top 100 Chapter

Distinguished Honors in Action Project Award

Distinguished College Project Award

Distinguished Chapter Officer Award - Christopher Cox

Continued Excellence Award for Advisor - John Sharpe


2011 Carolinas Region Awards

The Alpha Nu Sigma chapter received the following awards at the annual Carolinas Region Convention over the weekend of March 18-20, 2011:


Distinguished Honors in Action Project Award - Honorable Mention

Distinguished College Project Award

Bruce Rallis Service Award

Distinguished Chapter Officer Award - Christopher Cox

Distinguished Chapter Officer Award - Phuong "Sisi" Tran

Distinguished Alumni Member - Rhonda Ennis

Continued Excellence Award for Advisor - Beth Carraway

Horizon Award - Beth Carraway

Distinguished College Administrator Award - Gregory Thompson

Yearbook Award - Honorable Mention

Best Website Award

Five Star Chapter

Carolinas Four Gig Challenge Award (Level Three)

Carolinas Honors in Action Program Award

Carolinas Superstar Chapter

Hall of Honor - Christopher Cox and Phuong "Sisi" Tran

Alumni Hall of Honor - Rhonda Ennis


2011 Phi Theta Kappa International Awards

The Alpha Nu Sigma chapter received the following awards at the annual Phi Theta Kappa International Convention held in Seattle, Washington during April 2011:


Continued Excellence Award for Advisor - Beth Carraway

Administrator Award of Distinction/Distinguished College Administrator - Gregory Thompson


2010 Carolinas Region Awards

The Alpha Nu Sigma chapter received the following awards at the annual Carolinas Region Convention over the weekend of March 12-14, 2010:


2nd Runner Up - Most Distinguished Chapter (out of 80 chapters in North Carolina and South Carolina)

Distinguished Chapter

Bruce Rallis Service Award Honorable Mention

Best Use of Honors Topic

Distinguished Chapter Officer Honorable Mention - Patricia Rosenthal

Distinguished Advisor Award - Beth Carraway

Horizon Award - Beth Carraway

Yearbook Award

Best Website

Five Star Chapter

Carolinas Four Clover Challenge Award

Carolinas Superstar Chapter

Hall of Honor - Patricia Rosenthal


2010 Phi Theta Kappa International Awards

The Alpha Nu Sigma chapter received the following awards at the annual Phi Theta Kappa International Convention held in Orlando, Florida during April 2010:


Distinguished Chapter President - Rhonda Ennis

Distinguished Regional Officer - Rhonda Ennis

Distinguished Advisor - Beth Carraway

Distinguished Advisor - John Sharpe

Leadership Hallmark Award

Top 100 Chapter


2010 Horry-Georgetown Technical College Awards

Congratulations to our outgoing Chapter President, Rhonda Ennis, who received the HGTC Alpha Nu Sigma Service & Leadership Award at the Horry-Georgetown Technical College Commencement Ceremony on May 13, 2010 at the Myrtle Beach Convention Center.


2009 Carolinas Region Awards

The Alpha Nu Sigma chapter received the following awards at the annual Carolinas Region Convention over the weekend of March 20-22, 2009:


Most Distinguished Chapter (out of 77 in North and South Carolina)

Distinguished Chapter

Bruce Rallis Service Award

Best Use of Honors Topic

Distinguished Chapter President - Rhonda Ennis

Distinguished Chapter Member - Lorraine Millard

Paragon Award for Advisors - Beth Carraway

Horizon Award - Beth Carraway

Best Website

Most Improved Chapter

Five Star Chapter

Carolinas Four Clover Challenge Award Winner

Carolina Superstar Chapter

Yearbook Award - Honorable Mention

Hall of Honor - Rhonda Ennis and Lorraine Millard

Distinguished Alumni Member - Kathleen Clark

Alumni Hall of Honor - Kathleen Clark


2009 Phi Theta Kappa International Awards

The Alpha Nu Sigma chapter received the following awards at the annual Phi Theta Kappa International Convention held in Dallas, Texas during April 2009:


Distinguished Chapter Member - Lorraine Millard

Paragon Award for Advisors - Beth Carraway

Leadership Hallmark Award

Scholarship Hallmark Award

Distinguished Chapter Award

Top 100 Chapter

This page was last modified on June 13, 2024

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