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Chapter Officer Positions & Duties


All officers must be members of Phi Theta Kappa and the Alpha Nu Sigma Chapter and maintain a minimum GPA of 3.25 and sign the Alpha Nu Sigma Chapter Officer Honor Code.



The Alpha Nu Sigma chapter of Phi Theta Kappa shall have the following officers: President, Vice President of Scholarship, Vice President of Leadership, Vice President of Service,  Vice President of Fellowship, Vice President of Fund Raising, Treasurer, Secretary, Historian, and Sergeant at  Arms.


The duties of the President shall be as follows:

a. Preside over all business meetings.

b. Appoint and establish any necessary committees.

c.  Vote only in case of a tie.

d. Serve as an ex-officio member on all committees.

e. Present business to the organization.

f. Represent the organization at all times.

g. Appoint a committee to review and/ or revise the chapter by-laws when needed.

h. Participate in at least one fund raising activity.

i. Coordinate campus wide projects for the chapter.

j. Maintain communication with the College administration, faculty & staff.


The duties of the Vice President of Scholarship shall be as follows:

a. Perform all duties of the President in his/her absence.

b. Develop and implement programs relating to the current Phi Theta Kappa honor’s study topic.

c. Appoint and establish any necessary committees for the implementation of scholarship programs.

d. Keep records on all scholarship events in conjunction with the Chapter Historian.

e. Act as program Chairperson for scholarship events.

f. Participate in at least one fund raising activity.


The duties of the Vice President of Leadership shall be as follows:

a. Develop and implement leadership activities in conjunction with the other Vice Presidents.

b. Appoint and establish any necessary committees for the implementation of leadership programs.

c. Keep records on all leadership events in conjunction with the Chapter Historian.

d. Act as program Chairperson for leadership events.

e. Participate in at least one fund raising activity.


The duties of the Vice President of Service shall be as follows:

a. Take roll at all meetings and turn over to Secretary.

b. Develop and implement service programs.

c. Appoint and establish any necessary committees for the implementation of chapter service projects.

d. Keep records on all service events in conjunction with the Chapter Historian.

e. Act as program Chairperson for service events.

f. Participate in at least one fund raising activity.


The duties of the Vice President of Fellowship shall be as follows:

a. Develop and implement fellowship events while working with the other Vice Presidents to include aspects of the other three hallmarks in the fellowship events.

b. Appoint and establish any necessary committees for the implementation of fellowship programs.

c. Keep records on all fellowship events in conjunction with the Chapter Historian.

d. Act as program Chairperson for fellowship events.

e. Participate in at least one fund raising activity.


The duties of the Vice President of Fund Raising shall be as follows:

a. Develop and implement fund raising events while working with the other Vice Presidents to include aspects of the hallmarks.

b. Appoint and establish any necessary committees for the implementation of fund raising activities.

c. Keep records on all fund raising activities in conjunction with the Chapter Historian.

d. Act as program Chairperson for fund raising activities.

e. Coordinate one fundraiser and co-chair a second.


The duties of the Treasurer shall be as follows:

a. Work in conjunction with an advisor to maintain chapter bank account.

b. Make a report of finances at each business meeting.

c. Work in conjunction with Vice President of Fund Raising to determine scheduling and need for fundraising activities.

d. Participate in at least one fund raising activity.


The duties of the Secretary shall be as follows:

a. Take minutes and keep records of all meetings.

b. Send copies of meeting minutes to Regional Coordinator monthly.

c. Oversee dissemination of meeting notes and activities.

d. Maintain a file of chapter correspondence.

e. Make, distribute, and post flyers on chapter meetings and events.

f. Participate in at least one fund raising activity.


The duties of the Historian shall be as follows:

a. Keep a full record of chapter programs and events.

b. Take pictures or designate a member to take pictures at all chapter events.

c. Prepare and maintain a yearly chapter scrapbook for Regional meetings and conventions.

d. Participate in at least one fund raising activity.


The duties of the Sergeant at Arms shall be as  follows:

Be responsible for insuring orderly meetings per Robert’s Rules of Order.


2024-2025 Officers


2023-2024 Officers

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